Automating Sales Tasks to Maximize Your Sales Team’s Time


Every day, we speak with sales leaders who have had to rethink and retool how their teams
engage with customers throughout this pandemic. While some are adding new technologies,
most sales functions are trending toward capturing more client data and documentation for
better visibility, insights, and actions.

Fortunately, you have Salesforce as your CRM, so better capture and reporting is often only a
moderate configuration away. However, we know from previous Salesforce research that a
sales professional only spends about one-third of their time actually selling. So, as a sales
leader, what Salesforce improvements should you focus on that enable your teams to be more
productive, not just busier?

In Salesforce’s Fourth Edition of the State of Sales, their research shows the top 5 areas where
high-performing teams are automating repetitive sales tasks to enable reps to spend more time
learning about and connecting with customers (see the graph below). If you’re curious or have
questions about how any of these automations can impact your teams, we invite you to talk to
so we can provide you with our experience or advice.

Automate Your Sales Process


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