Our Favorite 10 Features in the Salesforce Spring 21 Release

Top Austin CRM Salesforce Consultants

Salesforce is continuing to build and improve on many of their key compounds and functionality that many us use and rely on daily.  They have even found some provided some new functionality that is sure to get you excited regardless of your role and experience level. These are some of the more notable changes to out that are sure to excite, end users, admins, developers and Consultants. 

 1.  Flow Updates Improve Again.

It seems like salesforce has really put a lot of time and effort into always finding ways of improving the flow functionality.  One of the more subtle changes are with the rebranding from lighting flows to Salesforce flows which incubus both flows as well as process builders. While there were numerous changes to the salesforce flows, here are some of the Key changes that were released.

  • Prior Values can be accessed in Record Triggered Flows. This means that while in a flow you Use the Prior value Global Variable $Record_Prior that contains the records values prior to the flow trigger to check for changes and calculate flow differences.
  • Time based Flow actions can be set in flows. You now add a path to your flow when you want the flow to be scheduled dynamically after the triggering event.
  • Multicolumn screens in flow Builder (Beta). You can now add and configure a section to screen compound and create multiple columns which allow for a better ender user experience.
  • Send Rick text Emails directly form your flow. With send email actions you can now send RTF emails without having to first setup and email alert.  Saleforce also added improved error handling to help catch invalid email addresses.

2.  Lightning Page Performance Analyzer 

While in previous releases you feature showed high level load time information. Now the page analysis feature shows predicated load time as well as a breakdown of the performance by each component for both desktop and well as Mobile.

3.  Manual Sharing in Lightning

Previously to manually share a record in lightning you would have to Switch over to classic to share a record.  With the Spring 21 release you can now share a record in lightning. 

4.  Lookup to Opportunity products. 

This has been an idea in in the idea’s forum for over a decade and have been vote on more than 14,000 times. But now you can tie other objects to the opportunity Products object. You may have briefly seen this in the Winter 21 release but salesforce and to roll it back to help accommodate the new delete frame work they released.

5.  In app Learning

In the top right corner, you will see in the In-App learning Icon. This will offer up trailhead and specific Trailhead modules based off roles and or where the user is at inside Salesforce. Admins or designated trainers can customize specific learning module and assign them to specified groups and or users.

6.  Save Dashboard Results with Filter URL Parameters

You can now create custom URL that includes the filtered Parameters for specific Dashboard. Use case for this could be if wanted a button or link on the account that when click it would open the dashboard for all opportunities for that client in a specific stage i.e. Closed won.

7.  Quickly Clone Campaigns with Related Assets(Pardot)

You will now be able to add a new action clone with related. When this button is used the user will be prompted with a list of related objects. The  User can then select related list to also clone over and tie to the new campaign like Marketing Link, Marketing Form, and Landing Pages.

8.  Get Report Details Emailed in .XLSX Format

When exporting a report you can now export the data in .xlsx format when you choose details only.  In previous releases you could only export the Data in .xls or.csv.

9.  Customize Your Default No-Reply Address for Email Notifications

Prior to this release email notifications were automatically sent from  noreply@salesforce.com. With the Spring 21 release you can now set and choose the default FROM address for certain case notifications. This will help your customers know that email came form your company based off the from address.

10.  Ability to Select All Fields in SOQL Query:

When building SOQL statements you can now use pre-defines groupings of fields within the select portion of your query.  Groups include FIELDS(ALL)FIELDS(STANDARD), or FIELDS(CUSTOM). Note: the record limit when using these groupings is 200 records